Ведущая организация | Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет» (отзыв) Адрес: 634050, г. Томск, просп. Ленина, д. 36, тел. 8 (3822) 529 665 (Управление делами), e-mail: delo@mail.tsu.ru, https://www.tsu.ru/ Список основных публикаций работников ведущей организации по теме диссертации в рецензируемых научных изданиях за последние 5 лет: 1. Ibragimova M.K., Tsyganov M.M., Kravtsova E.A., Tsydenova I.A., Litviakov N.V. Organ-specificity of breast cancer metastasis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023. Vol 24(21), 15625.
2. Vrazhnov D.A., Mankova A., Stupak E., Kistenev Y., Shkurinov A., Cherkasova O. Discovering glioma tissue through its biomarkers’ detection in blood by Raman spectroscopy and machine learning. Pharmaceutics, 2023. Vol. 15(1), 203.
3. Tsyganov M.M., Ibragimova M.K. MALAT1 long non-coding RNA and its role in breast carcinogenesis. Acta Naturae, 2023. Vol. 15(2). P. 32–41.
4. Torkhov N.A., Buchelnikova V.A., Mosunov A.A., Ivonin I.V. AFM methods for studying the morphology and micromechanical properties of the membrane of human buccal epithelium cell. Scientific Reports, 2023. Vol. 13(1), 10917.
5. Vrazhnov D.A., Knyazkova A.I., Konnikova M., Shevelev O., Razumov I., Zavjalov E., Kistenev Y.V., Shkurinov A., Cherkasova O. Analysis of mouse blood serum in the dynamics of U87 glioblastoma by terahertz spectroscopy and machine learning. Applied Sciences, 2022. Vol. 12(20), 10533.
6. Knyazkova A.I., Samarinova A.A., Nikolaev V.V., Kistenev Y.V., Borisov A.V. Two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy of rat elastin fiber in vivo. Russian Physics Journal, 2022. Vol. 64(11). P. 2123‒2128.
7. Ibragimova M.K., Tsyganov M.M., Litviakov N.V. Whole transcriptome analysis of breast cancer tumors during neoadjuvant chemotherapy: association with hematogenous metastasis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022. Vol. 23(22), 13906.
8. Patysheva M., Larionova I., Stakheyeva M., Grigoryeva E., Iamshchikov P., Tarabanovskaya N., Weiss C., Kardashova J., Frolova A., Rakina M., Prostakishina E., Zhuikova L., Cherdyntseva N., Kzhyshkowska J. Effect of early-stage human breast carcinoma on monocyte programming. Frontiers in Oncology, 2022. Vol. 11, 800235.
9. Torhov N.A., Mosunov A.A., Novikov V.A., Ivonin I.V. Study of tribological properties of human buccal epithelium cell membranes using probe microscopy. Scientific Reports, 2022. Vol. 12(1), 11302.
10. Cherkasova O., Peng Y., Konnikova M., Kistenev Y., Shi C., Vrazhnov D., Shevelev O., Zavjalov E., Kuznetsov S., Shkurinov A. Diagnosis of glioma molecular markers by terahertz technologies. Photonics, 2021. Vol. 8(1), 22.
11. Eremeev A.I., Vasin V.V., Satarov R.N., Tseplyaev I.S., Shipilova S.S. Application of the migration method for radiotomography of breast cancer. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021. Vol. 2140(1), 012027.
12. Ibragimova M.K., Tsyganov M.M., Litviakov N.V. Molecular-genetic portrait of breast cancer with triple negative phenotype. Cancers, 2021. Vol. 13(21), 5348.
13. Kistenev Y.V., Nikolaev V.V., Borisov A.V., Zaeva O.B., Knyazkova A.I., Krivova N.A. multiphoton excitation microscopy for identification and operational control of extracellular matrix components of body tissues. Optics and Spectroscopy, 2020. Vol. 128(6). P. 794‒798.
14. Torkhov N.A., Buchelnikova V.A., Mosunov A.A., Ivonin I.V., Chelnokova I.A., Golubewa L.N., Starodubtseva M.N., Kulahava T.A., Kunitskaya Y.N., Bulai P.M., Starodubtsev I.E., Kharin Y.S., Shuba M.V. Effect of single-walled carbon nanotubes on the structural, physical, and mechanical properties of rat glial cell surface. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2020. Vol. 22(6), 144.
15. Mikushina V.A., Smolin I.Yu. Research of the stress distribution in ceramic composite with bone tissue inclusions. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020. Vol. 1459(1), 012006. |
Оппоненты | - Свиридов Александр Петрович, д. ф.-м. н., без звания, главный научный сотрудник отделения «Институт фотонных технологий» Курчатовского комплекса кристаллографии и фотоники (КККиФ) НИЦ «Курчатовский институт» г. Троицк (отзыв)
Наименования отрасли науки, научной специальности, по которым оппонентом защищена диссертация: Доктор физико-математических наук, 05.27.03 — квантовая электроника Список основных публикаций официального оппонента по теме диссертации в рецензируемых научных изданиях за последние 5 лет: 1. Ignatieva N., Zakharkina O., Dadasheva A., Shekhter A., Sviridov A., Lunin V. Transformation of the dermal collagen framework under laser heating. J Biophotonics, 2019, V. 12(12), e201960024.
2. Baum O.I., Zaitsev V.Y., Yuzhakov A.V., Sviridov A.P., Novikova M.L., Matveyev A.L., Matveev L.A., Sovetsky A.A., Sobol E.N. Interplay of temperature, thermal-stresses and strains in laser-assisted modification of collagenous tissues: speckle-contrast and OCT-based studies. Journal of Biophotonics, 2020. V. 13(1), e201900199.
3. Sviridov A.P., Zhigarkov V.S., Shubnyi A.G., Yusupov V.I. Optical fields in porous polylactide matrices. Quantum Electronics, 2020. V. 50(1). P. 81–86.
4. Arutyunyan I.V., Borovikov P.I., Dunaev A.G., Krotova L.I., Sviridov A.P., Trifanova E.M., Fatkhudinov T.H., Sukhikh G.T., Popov V.K. Poly-Dl-lactide degradation in biological media: experiment and model. Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, 2021. V. 12(2). P. 377-385.
5. Ignatieva N.Yu., Zakharkina O.L., Sviridov A.P. Thermography of whole blood during laser heating through bare fiber. Journal of Biomedical Photonics and Engineering, 2022. V. 8(4), 040513.
6. Ignatieva N.Yu., Zakharkina O.L., Sviridov A.P. Express analysis of cartilage tissue using multivariate analysis of IR spectra. Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine, 2022. V. 14(6). P. 25–32.
7. Chailakhyan R.K., Grosheva A.G., Vorobyeva N.N., Yusupov V.I., Genkina E.N., Sviridov A.P. Changes in the number of mesenchymal stem cells in bone marrow at different periods after in vivo exposure of the bone marrow to local infrared laser radiation. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2022. V. 173(1). P. 119-122.
8. Yusupov V., Vorobyeva N., Chailakhyan R., Sviridov A. Optical and thermal fields induced in the bone marrow by external laser irradiation. Lasers in Medical Science, 2022. V. 37(2). P. 1245-1253.
9. Chailakhyan R.K., Grosheva A.G., Vorob’eva N.N., Sviridov A.P., Yusupov V.I. Laser thermo-photobiomodulation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2023. V. 174(4). P. 523-526. - Кумейко Вадим Владимирович, к.б.н., доцент, заместитель директора по развитию Школы медицины и наук о жизни Федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет», г. Владивосток (отзыв)
Наименования отрасли науки, научной специальности, по которым оппонентом защищена диссертация: Кандидат биологических наук, 03.00.25 – гистология, цитология, клеточная биология; 03.00.04 – биохимия Список основных публикаций официального оппонента по теме диссертации в рецензируемых научных изданиях за последние 5 лет: 1. Shmelev M.E., Farniev V.M., Shved N.A., Kumeiko V.V. Nanomechanical signatures in glioma cells depend on CD44 distribution in IDH1 wild-type but not in IDH1R132H mutant early-passage cultures. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023. V. 24(4), 4056.
2. Belousov A., Patlay A., Silant’ev V., Kovalev V.V., Kumeiko V. Preparation of hydrogels based on modified pectins by tuning their properties for anti-glioma therapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023. V. 24(1), 630.
3. Patlay A.A., Belousov A.S., Silant’ev V.E., Shatilov R.A., Shmelev M.E., Kovalev V.V., Perminova I.V., Baklanov I.N., Kumeiko V.V. Preparation and characterization of hydrogel films and nanoparticles based on low-esterified pectin for anticancer applications. Polymers, 2023. V. 15(15), 3280.
4. Silant’ev V.E., Shmelev M.E., Belousov A.S., Patlay A.A., Shatilov R.A., Farniev V.M., Kumeiko V.V. How to develop drug delivery system based on carbohydrate nanoparticles targeted to brain tumors. Polymers, 2023. V. 15(11), 2516.
5. Farniev V.M., Shmelev M.E., Shved N.A., Gulaia V.S., Biktimirov A.R., Zhizhchenko A.Y., Kuchmizhak A.A., Kumeiko V.V. Nanomechanical and morphological AFM mapping of normal tissues and tumors on live brain slices using specially designed embedding matrix and laser-shaped cantilevers. Biomedicines, 2022. V. 10(7), 1742.
6. Shmelev M.E., Titov S.I., Belousov A.S., Farniev V.M., Zhmenia V.M., Lanskikh D.V., Penkova A.O., Kumeiko V.V. Cell and tissue nanomechanics: from early development to carcinogenesis. Biomedicines, 2022. V. 10(2), 345.
7. Gulaia V., Shmelev M., Romanishin A., Shved N., Farniev V., Goncharov N., Biktimirov A., Vargas I.L., Khodosevich K., Kagansky A., Kumeiko V. Single-nucleus transcriptomics of IDH1- and TP53-mutant glioma stem cells displays diversified commitment on invasive cancer progenitors. Scientific Reports. 2022 Nov 8;12(1):18975.
8. Belousov A., Titov S., Shved N., Malykin G., Kovalev V., Suprunova I., Khotimchenko Y., Kumeiko V. Hydrogels based on modified pectins capable of modulating neural cell behavior as prospective biomaterials in glioblastoma treatment. International review of neurobiology, 2020. Vol. 151. P. 111-138.
9. Belousov A., Titov S., Shved N., Garbuz M., Malykin G., Gulaia V., Kagansky A., Kumeiko V. The extracellular matrix and biocompatible materials in glioblastoma treatment. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2019. V.19(7), 341.